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Marabou Stork


Marabou storks are carrion eaters with bald heads. A heavily feathered variety lives in the North and follows the orcish tribes, feasting upon the corpses and carcasses the orcs leave in their wake. Much like the wolf riders, some goblins try to escape their pitiful fate and master the skys on the backs of one of these birds. Of course, the birds do not want to fly with some other animal on their back, but over time, the birds learn that there is more food to be had if they tolerate the cargo. The long avian feet and oily feathers allow the bird and rider to traverse water terrain with great ease.

Nâng cấp từ:
Nâng cấp thành: Stork Master
Chi phí: 17
Máu: 32
Di chuyển: 8
KN: 30
Trình độ: 1
Phân loại: hỗn độn
IDStork Rider
Khả năng:
5 - 3
cận chiến
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